Resource Manipulation

Rajendra Zadpe

Sep 30, 2024 10:42 am

Resource manipulation through manifestation converts a low profile website into a higher profile one. Dynamic advertising insertion (DAI) is the path to optimizing advertising market share and CPM rates. Here’s why: Today, there’s growing consumer demand for personalized content. By delivering targeted ads, video providers can offer viewers more relevant content and enable advertisers to more effectively sell their product.

To address the demand for targeted advertising, video providers need media processing platforms that are scalable and flexible. Let’s look at the benefits of cloud-based media processing for DAI to understand why finding a system that supports manifest manipulation is critical to success.

Substitute segments dynamically

With adaptive bitrate streaming, encoded content is delivered in different resolutions, bitrates and codecs using bite-sized delivery segments that include video, audio and other data, such as subtitles and timed metadata. These segments are referenced in the manifest, or playlist, used by the OTT player to access server resources.

In the video streaming world, SCTE-35 is a format-agnostic standard to signal an ad break. That ad break is your opportunity to insert a targeted ad within the incoming video stream. Thanks to SCTE-35, segment boundaries can be aligned exactly with the ad insertion points. Ad insertion is achieved by substituting delivery segments. Having a cloud-based server-side DAI solution will give you the most flexibility, allowing you to dynamically substitute ads within live, linear, catch-up TV and recorded content.

Sneak by ad blockers

By inserting advertising at the server level (also known as SSAI), advertising and content can be stitched together in the same stream prior to delivery. This helps you counteract ad blocking software, which is often installed on viewing devices. How? SSAI makes advertisements and content look the same to ad blocking software, making it difficult to detect ads. SSAI also guarantees a seamless transition and the same quality of experience for content and ads.

Create custom manifests

Besides enabling parallel workflows that are scalable, a cloud-centric DAI solution with manifest manipulation allows you to create custom manifests per content, user and device, in real time. You can support multiple targeting scenarios and deliver unique playlists containing hyper-targeted ads to smartphones, PCs, tablets and connected TVs, and any other device.

You can stretch the use cases for manifest manipulation beyond DAI to include blackout management and video content replacement. Using a cloud-based approach, your entire workflow becomes simpler. Content ABR transcoding, ad transcoding, packaging, manifest generation and manipulation all work together in an end-to-end seamless architecture, eliminating any deployment headaches.

We propose that enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) inherently embody the tenets of administrative evil. First, we situate the discussion within a critical theory framework. Then, we provide a brief introduction to ERPs. Next, we present the ERP implementation process as a harbinger for organizational change and standardization. Because of the system's power and inclusiveness, the organization is molded in the image of the ERP. 

Management justifies ERP implementations, and the related hardships, by appeals to instrumental rationality, technological determinism, and capital market demands. ERPs are a physical manifestation, and facilitator, of instrumental rationality within hierarchical control structures. As such, ERPs embody significant potential for administrative evil because of their influence in constituting organizational climate, structures, and roles. Conscience is viewed as inferior to instrumental logic. Morality is recast as following the instrumentally rationalized and legitimized rules. A sense of individual responsibility diminishes as the distance between the object and the action increases. This detachment is greatly enhanced with the implementation of an ERP, and we discuss how this may take place. Ultimately, technical responsibility replaces moral responsibility and the totalizing influence of the ERP facilitates and expedites the process.

This study uses experimental market and laboratory experiment methodologies to consider the impact of COA precision and associated cost on its demand over extended multi-period timeframes in repetitive decision-making environments open to competition. Results show that more precise COA is demanded both more in amount and consistency over time, including when priced at a slight premium. More precise COA demand is also highly sensitive to pricing and declines dramatically when its price is increased slightly. Discounted less precise COA demand is not sensitive to premium-pricing of higher quality COA.

This article reframes the culture concept to highlight the role of contextual identities in linking behaviors and their social meaning in organizations. Drawing on theories from cultural linguistics and structural anthropology, it argues that cognitive processes in organizations do not directly reflect either behaviors or underlying beliefs. Rather, they represent the interface between the two. To manage cognitive processes for competitive advantage requires that we attend to the identities by which people make sense of what they do in relation to a larger set of organizational norms.