Effective ways to grow YouTube channel

Rajendra Zadpe

Sep 30, 2024 10:39 am

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There's no denying that; video marketing has been on the rise over the last few years. And while popular sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even your own website are fantastic ways to invest, YouTube remains a giant in space, with individuals spending a billion hours watching videos on this network every day.

Often referred to as the second-largest search engine in the world, YouTube can help you find your content quickly and thoroughly-if you know a few tricks. So, here are a few effective ways to grow your YouTube channel.

Build Videos Around a Single Keyword/Topic

It might seem simple, but building your video around a single topic/keyword is the best way to get the traffic you want and increase your audience. A lot of people who have no knowledge of SEO should skip this step, but it's essential if you want your videos to get the maximum number of viewers.

It's best to pick your keyword before you build your video material, as it lets you build the best information on that particular subject. This also makes you remember to use the keyword naturally in the material so that YouTube picks it up when closed captions are applied. When you've selected your keyword, check out the videos that are currently ranking for this subject to make sure you're on the right track in terms of purpose and don't forget to refine your title and descriptions. Notwithstanding common misconceptions, the most effective YouTube videos are typically less than 5 minutes long, so don't feel like you have to make a film or write a novel. Keep it a little short and simple.

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Engage Your Audience with Youtube

This is important not to ignore the fact that YouTube is a social media site and thus calls for social interaction. If you only post videos without promoting feedback and conversation, you're missing a trick. YouTube provides channels with a great deal of dedication, including total channel time, playtime, likes and dislikes, and, most importantly, feedback.

Promote Your YouTube Videos on Other Social Channels

One of the best things about social media is that you can cross-promote content through various platforms. Promoting YouTube videos on your other social media is the best way to increase your audience. There are plenty of them to choose from. So, if there is a channel (such as Facebook) on which you want to post videos directly, you can also do a full-length video preview on YouTube to ensure that you have optimum exposure on all platforms. Don't forget your blog; you can share your videos as well!

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Post Great Thumbnails

They may seem like a small thing (because they are), but thumbnails can have a major effect. YouTube is promoting other videos through the thumbnail in its sidebar, and you want yours to stand out from the group. The same goes with looking with YouTube. Videos with a catchy title and an enticing thumbnail typically rank higher, even though the content itself is not as important as they have a higher click-through rate (CTR). Consider using techniques such as highlighted areas, arrows, large text, and unexpected or odd images to get the CTR where it needs to be.

Website like Doographics offers attractive YouTube thumbnail templates for all sorts of videos.

Push for Subscriptions

Some of the ways you know for sure that viewers are engaging with your channel is when they "subscribe" to see any new videos that are being uploaded. Ask viewers to subscribe to each of the videos you upload to your channel and remain connected with your current subscribed users. (You can see the list of subscribers, right here). Just bill for your subscriptions. This will only will your contribution and harm the credibility of your account in the long run. Know, if you don't ask your viewers to subscribe, you could be losing out on a lot of potential followers.  

Increase Your Uploading Frequency

This tip may sound overwhelming at first, but to maximize your audience, you need to increase the frequency of your posting to at least one video per week. Don't worry; you don't need a consulting company or a fancy advertisement budget to do that. Today's smartphones provide excellent video recording capabilities. Consistency is of utmost importance. Seek to post at the same time every day or week (depending on your frequency) and keep your subscribers up-to-date when new videos arrive. Then stick to your plan.

Note, fostering a dedication to quality content is what creates and continues to grow committed followers. The advocates of your company! Stay true to yourself and to your brand, and connect with your audience along the way.